Monday, April 19, 2010

Giving Back

How often do you really take some time to give to a good cause? I mean really how many of you can really handle watching sarah macuaclins commercial in the arms of the angel and not feel like you need to donate immediately? So why not do something that takes a little more effort, is more fun and not a financial commitment? Be a dog walker...williamsburg has a few local shelters that are looking for volunteer dog walkers. BARC shelter is one and all you need to do is stop in and volunteer!


  1. wow i love dogs! I will definitely check this out! I love this blog you always have the coolest stuff for Brooklyn.

  2. .... lets get some more updates girlfrend....

  3. This blog makes my life complete. I had such an emptiness, a blog hole in my life, but then I stumbled upon "break with Kate" and now I can honestly say that my life has purpose...

    Thanks KATE!
